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Water Data Project

Twin Platte Natural Resource District (TPNRD) Water Data Project project focuses on linking water pumping and energy use to provide a virtual metering system for district irrigators. The innovative software and hardware to be used in this project will change the way water is managed. The analytic data produced through this project will help the TPNRD manage their obligations to the larger watershed and the state while providing their irrigators real-time knowledge of the volume and costs of the water they use. It will also provide both parties with valuable information to determine where efficiencies can be made to meet district obligations while minimizing negative impacts on the local economy. NEWBA is pleased to be a part of this project by providing the planning and technical support necessary to engage all parties on the importance of working together and planning for a more resilient water future for the TPNRD. Direct salary and travel expenses for this project are paid by a grant from the Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research (FFAR) and by Grower Information Services Cooperative. The small contribution of the FFAR grant to NEWBA overhead (10%) is not adequate to cover operational costs.

The Water Data Project is in part sponsored by:

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